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Join The Productivity Programme

Benefit from the expertise of a group of senior leaders that will act as your advisory board and mentors.

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Get personalised support from our Productivity Programme

Facing big decisions? Looking for an outside perspective?

By joining The Productivity Programme you don’t have to go it alone.​

As part of this 6-month programme, you’ll enjoy invaluable non-executive director style support from a group of experienced businesspeople made up of leaders and senior managers from successful firms with specialisms like finance, marketing, operations or HR.​

How the registration process works

  • Complete the application form​

  • Attend an onboarding to discuss your questions and find out more​

  • Attend an onboarding to discuss your questions and find out more​

  • All meetings will be scheduled on your behalf​

A man dressed in a suit and smart trousers leans forward on a white desk to sign a piece of paper. He is wearing a leather backpack, and it's clear from the people in the background that he is at an event.

Join The Productivity Programme

Please select "Lloyds Bank referral" under "How did you hear about this programme?"

Introduction to the Be the Business advisory boards


Hear from some of our participants to find out what inspired them to become part of the programme and how it has specifically helped.

What I've gained from having an advisory board


Looking back on their experience, board members and business leaders reflect on what they got out of the programme – from tangible business improvements to skills enhancements.

Myth busting by SME participants


Programme participants look back on some of the concerns they had before taking part and explain why, ultimately, the benefits far outweighed any initial reservations.

“It’s been like a top-level coach working with a top-level sportsman”

“My advice to anyone considering mentoring is to be brave and confident around the value you could bring to supporting another business. I’ve certainly learnt as much from the experience as my mentee”

—Rupert Cross, Director, 5874 Commerce