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Case study

I gained different perspectives from people who aren’t in my industry

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Victor launched his video production company in 2016 and has been steadily growing his business ever since. Always looking for new ways to grow and learn, he joined the Be the Business Boards programme to gain a new perspective on his business.
The board members I ended up with allowed me to never stop learning and adapting to change. I could communicate with them easily through LinkedIn or email if I ever needed to reach out

After hearing about Be the Business from LinkedIn, Victor immediately knew that he wanted to get involved. He found that the format of the programme was unique compared to anything else out there, and so was a great opportunity to “add to his arsenal”.

The power of putting yourself out there

One of the main takeaways that Victor learned from his board was to put himself out there more. By giving a face to the business, his audience was able to connect with him more – which gave him an entirely new marketing approach.

“People buy from people. In the past, I’ve been reluctant to put myself out there, but [my board] encouraged me to talk a bit more about me to give my business a different view. For example, I put out a post where I spoke about a specific service of mine, but it was a video I filmed of myself explaining the service,” Victor said.

The result? Victor opened himself up to an array of exciting new opportunities – including working with us to create video content, where his first-hand experience of using our services proved incredibly useful.

“I worked with Be the Business to produce content. They hired me for video production and I worked with them for four months. I got to see first-hand what businesses were looking for because it was myself and my team filming the content,” Victor stated.

Learning to set realistic goals

A common challenge for small business owners is setting goals that are both ambitious and realistic. While it’s important to challenge yourself to reach your best potential, having unattainable goals is just setting yourself up for failure.

This is something that Victor struggled with, and through advice from his board, he was able to redefine his goals and stay on track with hitting them. Victor found that one of the best ways to do this was to focus on what he was passionate about.

“One of my goals is to find a way to help young people from disengaged environments into better paths through creativity, video production and content creation. I’m quite passionate about that, and I want to build an extension of my business to address it,” Victor confirms.

“To define those goals we went through how I can get there, who I need to speak to and how I need to keep on top of it. We also looked at how the goals may need to adapt to the changes within my industry.”

Never stop learning, never stop growing

Having completed the programme, Victor is able to reflect on the advice he’s received and how he can implement it in the future. He now recognises that, for his business to continue to grow, he needs to pivot his role in the business so he’s more focused on strategy and business development, rather than being “hands-on”.

“It’s made me look at my own leadership and the importance of looking at aspects of the business that could help us grow, as opposed to doing things that we’ve always just done before.”

My aspiration for the next year is to work in a way where I’m more hands-off with my business, but still have my vision and ethos strongly carry through within the team

As to whether or not people should engage with Be the Business, Victor says “absolutely”, asserting that “it’s always a good idea to have people that have been through a journey to give you pointers on the journey you’re going through”.

Want to help your business grow? Be the Business can offer the right support for you – find out more about our available programmes here.


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