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An audience listening to a speaker. The focus is on a woman with glasses and a pink scarf.

Aspiring leaders, become inspiring leaders

The Inspiring Leaders programme is a unique way to enhance your leadership skills and add new experiences to your CV.

Learning and development meets real-world impact  

As an Inspiring Leaders participant, you will experience taking part in two separate advisory boards over the course of a year - supporting small business leaders in improving and growing their businesses. And you’ll be helping to boost the UK’s productivity too.

Whether you’re climbing the career ladder, feel ready to change things up a bit, or are eyeing up a portfolio career as you near retirement, the Inspiring Leaders programme will provide you with a chance to shine.

A young woman with long brown hair works on a laptop in a colourful office space. She appears to be in an online call, as she is speaking at the screen and using her hands to demonstrate her point.

What the Inspiring Leaders Programme involves

Four steps to stronger leadership

  • Complete a self-assessment to benchmark your knowledge and confidence

  • Become a small business advisory board member, working with a team of other leaders from different backgrounds and getting up close with real-life business challenges

  • Reflect on your board experience and work through through skills and strategies with a learning development group

  • Complete online learning tasks to expand your knowledge

A woman with short blonde hair and a red jumper, smiling.  She is partially hidden by computer monitors.

Who is inspiring leaders for?

Inspiring Leaders is designed for individuals who:

  • Have a minimum of 5 years of senior management experience​

  • Are looking towards executive leadership or governance roles in the future

  • Want to stretch out their leadership skills through hands-on experiential learning ​

  • Enjoy broadening their professional network and connections

  • Want to explore how to make a difference outside of their day job ​

All of the above included for £1795+VAT for the 12-month programme.

We’re with you all the way

Step 1. Onboarding

  • Our onboarding process is designed to make sure you are confident and ready to get started on the programme.

  • You’ll get to meet your learning group and some of our team. We’ll talk you through the process, the commitments required, and the help available.

  • We’ll also ask you to complete a self-assessment to help guide your learning, and show you how to access the digital learning modules.

Step 2. Taking Part

  • Our Boards Administration team will take over, and you’ll be placed onto a small business advisory board along with other business leaders with diverse experience. Some may have taken part in previous boards, others may be first-timers.

  • The board experience allows you to apply your skills in real-world situations, and learn how other leaders respond to the challenge.

  • You’ll be supporting two different small businesses for six months each - taking part in their advisory boards, and eventually chairing meetings and mentoring one of the businesses.

Step 3. Seeing impact

  • You’ll get together with your learning group three more times over the year - to share experiences, reflect on what you’ve learned and strategise how you’d tackle situations in the future

  • You’ll have a workbook to guide reflection and help you action plan

  • From start to finish, we ensure that every aspect of the programme contributes to your leadership development goals.

A man in a grey t-shirt works in an office with glass walls. He is facing two desktop displays and an open laptop and is speaking on a mobile phone.

Autumn 2024 cohort dates

Onboarding/Introduction Session - Friday 25th October – 9:30am – 12pm

Reflection Session 1 – Friday 7th February – 9:30- 11:30am

Reflection Session 2 - Friday 20th June– 9:30am – 11:30am

Reflection Session 3 - Friday 17th October – 9:30am – 11:30am

Tangible results and real impact

What our participants say

Need to talk?

Whatever your future aspirations, the Inspiring Leaders programme will offer you a unique opportunity to learn, practice, network and make a difference.

our partners

A list of logo's from the following companies: Accenture, Amazon, Bae Systems, Cisco, Ey, and american-express-logo-black-and-white.png.